Who is David?

David Spitzfaden is a Singer/Songwriter and guitarist born and raised in San Diego County who now resides in the Los Angeles area. From a young age, he knew he was born to perform and eventually settled on the fact that music was his passion and it was either that or nothing at all. Some of David’s biggest inspirations are, but not limited to: John Mayer, David Gilmour, Kenny Loggins, Stevie Ray Vaughan and Michael Jackson. Like many of the people on his list, David is a Blues-Rock boy at heart, but that does not stop him from writing and playing in just about every genre, whether it be a Neo-Soul tune or a Southern Rock song; David does it all. He specializes in guitar and singing, but also plays the piano, bass and dabbles in the drums. He’s been able to play all over the world, playing festivals and venues in Southern California, Arizona, Belgium, The Netherlands, Luxembourg, and Canada. David is also very ambitious--he saved up a good amount of money and released his first studio recorded EP at the ripe age of 17. He also recently had the pleasure of playing guitar on Lizzo’s new Christmas single Someday at Christmas. His new single Cross that Line (feat. Marian Mulock) is out now on all music purchasing and streaming platforms and was recently nominated for a San Diego Music Award!